Welcome and nice to meet you here in cyberworld!
Vilca List is a private email service covering news, events and announcements pertaining to the Valley of Vilcabamba, Ecuador.
We offer a 12-month subscrition for $12 (non-refundable).
Personal ad submissions have additional fees.
“Thank you both so much for this incredible service” Summer
“REALLY appreciate your service!” Mindy
“Thanks for keeping this up as the volume grows...” Elizabeth
“Great service that you do here and so THANK YOU!!” Kris
“God bless you for your community service! You assist us to be prepared! With Love and appreciation!” Jane
“We deeply appreciate your service to the community.” Judith
“I love you and your service!” Kathleen
“Thanks for your email list! I love it! It helps me stay ‘in the loop’ while still being able to avoid facebook, which I prefer!” Patrice
“Thank you, it is an important service, and very appreciate from my part.” Marcel
“Thank you for what you are doing :)” Alicia
“You guys have been great!!!!!!!!!!!! Many thanks!” Richard
“Yes, please keep it coming. Thank you for doing this.” Michael
“Thanks for the great service. Always a great source of information.” Joseph
“Thanks for your loving and hard work!” Nina
“I love the service you provide. Honestly, where would we be without you guys?” Jody
“Thanks for all the great work!” Julia
“You two are so appreciated in what you do to keep communications going for all of us. A Thank You just doesn’t seem to say it enough.” Yolanda
“Thanks for keeping up with this valuable service.” Jim
“Unquestionable service to the people.” Kalei
“I love your emails and always open them first!” Ann
“Thank you guys sooooooo much for bonding the community together with your service!” Lily
“You provide a valuable service.” Edward
“We appreciate the email info, update and overall good info, keep up the great work.” Claudine
“Thanks to you both for this valuable service. Thank you for giving us your time - we so much appreciate you!” Julie
“Thanks for all you do to help everyone!” Laila
“Thanks so much for providing such a wonderful service.” Feral
“I love you and value your service!” Ken
“I enjoy everything. It’s keeps me up to date while I am away and until I arrive back in Vilca. Love it!!!! Thank you for all you do.” Margo
“Thank you soooo much for the service you do… a blessing to the community.” Mark
“Thanks so much for all the communication you share. I look forward to seeing what’s going on each day. Keep up the good work!” Linda
“Thanks so much for continuing your emails. They are very informative and keep us all connected.” Carol
“Your internet news service is absolutely invaluable to all of us living here in Vilcabamba. I love it because I can read it quickly and get on with my day being fully informed.” Anne
“The service you give the community is stellar and absolutely priceless!!” Karen
“Thanks for the list and all your hard work.” Judith
“I love reading your news. I visit Vilca a few times per year, and I like to know what is going on. Thanks for providing this valuable service.” Janda
“Thank you for this service! I always look forward to emails from you guys.” Nate
“I live in Vilcabamba 4 months each year, and your Service of relaying local info helps me tremendously during the time I am there, as well as the time I am away. It keeps me a bit still in the Community. Thank you so much.” Dawson
“Thanks for the great service you provide to residents of Vilcabamba” Jessica
“Always being updated, informed and more – many thanks!” David
“Well, you guys rock and we all roll with you… thanks for you spreading the news and keeping the big picture burning brightly.” Anubuddha
“Thank you so much for your dedicated service to our community.” Daniele
“Thank you for your time and effort which is a great benefit to many. I enjoy being informed about the offerings and concerns of those now living in the Vilca region.” NHLibertyRider
“Love this community service you offer! Thanks for all you do!” Sue
“Thank you so very much for all the time and effort it must take to operate this service so effectively.” Anne
“Keep up the good work. Very valuable service.” Carol
“Thank you for this wonderful service! I look forward to seeing a message daily from your list - it’s awesome!” Milinda
“You provide an important service to the community. Thanks!” Chris
“You make an immense difference in most of our lives.” Harmony
We look forward to hearing from you.
The Vilcalist team